
Friday, July 16, 2010


my best friend is leaving for two years on a mission to stockholm, sweden.
i have spent weeks planning an epic blog post in various stages of awesome to pay him tribute, but nothing seemed quite youd enough. therefore please accept the humble, heartfelt gratitude of someone who has been touched by the friendship of, well, of jon.

this last year held little of what i wanted going into it, but as i look back, i know that instead i got something better. i got what i needed. i got you. 

i have no idea how i'm going to make it two years without our aimless drives and "study (watch modern family-community-old spice commercials) nights". and five guys. lots of five guys. i love you to pieces hagrid/james t. kirk/han solo/ammon (yeah. ammon.). my life will be much duller without you. thanks for putting up with my crazy. 

finally, even though i know leaving is hard (for everyone involved), i also know its exciting and beautiful and likely the best experience of your life. and on that note i say to you:

(i'm off to buy a lot of stamps.)